Wednesday, September 28, 2005the fucktard nominees
this is a true account of how irritating and fucking nominees can get over their dumb little posters. barney shivi and i were in 4j after sch. this guy suddenly opened the door and asked if we were from this class. so we were like why whats it to you. he suddenly say someone has been removing chris kwan posters from the pillar outside class. i asked him, "are you chris kwan, then?" he said "yes" i told him, "well then we're not from this class." he wasn't quite happy so he walked out, slamming the door. now what sort of a fucking attitude is that from a prefect nominee? i mean first he walks in and speaks to us in an accusatory tone and questions us like he's a big shot? does he not know that i'm number one and he's got no fucking right to just barge in without knocking and plus question us like that? we humoured him. but the moment he went out barney started yelling. barney: "fuck you! you think you very big ah. fuck you man!" or something to that effect. shivi was like: "haha you brave la. why didn't you say that in front of him just now?" well the back door was flung open suddenly. that ljb shouted, "which hole?" WHAT THE FUCK?! barney: huh? ljb ck: you said you wanted to f me. so which hole you want? barney: what the fuck is your problem la? ljb ck: which hole? barney: we didn't take down any of your fucking posters. so fuck off shivi and i: .........?! the bloody idiot left in the end. crazy. 1) he's a perverted bastard and 2) he's one looney who's either very desperate for attention or VERY VERY DESPERATE for attention. it's like he's a prefect nominee and i don't think "calm" is in his vocabulary. he jumps to conclusions and obviously fails philo. his logic is something like premise-premise-conclusion, where the conclusion is not even related. premise: we're in 4j classroom. premise: we're 4j students. premise: his poster was tore at the pillar outside class. conclusion: we're the fucking culprits. then he come to talk about holes with us. polluting our clean little minds. is this what you call a prefect? if he gets in ripb i don't think it would be much of a surprise. after all with certain events going on it seems like bloody murphy is correct. what can go wrong will go wrong. but we'll curb this anyway. all pcb members blanket ban on voting CHRIS KWAN. spread the word and anyway i doubt if you all intended to vote him in the first place anyway. just for precautions no one fucking votes him. and as an extra if you want tear down his posters. ever heard of "never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you"? he's the fucking trouble. now we trouble him. but then again it might be a waste of effort touching his trash. so maybe we shouldn't waste our time and energy. might as well go do integration.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005pcb press conference
we have had overwhelming response about yesterday's post. therefore i deemed it fit to hold a little press conference to find out what others thought about the current scandals. chris: "damn manly.. damn grace chong" goon: "seriously cannot imagine.. wa lan" sl: "chew finds her chio.. dunno y" all on various issues. open to interpretation. but as 老大 i think i'm supposed to remain objective and neutral. therefore i'll keep my personal comments to myself as well as certain restricted pcb members.
Monday, September 26, 2005
wow this year we got major poster spam from some candidate named mark... and what person (other than him) would want people to piss on their own names? besides, RIPB elections are getting crappier by the year... people will be voting for the candidates who can make the best pun out of their names... MARK my words... we have to do something!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
If you try and don't succeed. Cheat, repeat until caught, then lie. got this off some forum. i like.
Physics ReflectiveType of activity: Movie – “The Core” Date of activity: 25th July 2005 (500 words)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005Schedule for RIPB elections
Might be very useful for us. Week 1,2: Interviews Week 3,4: CAMPAIGNS Week 5,6: CTs, Campaign supposed to stop (we'll help them) Week 7: Election Day. Forgot exactly which date. But take note of Week 3-6. Also note that we are having MATHS CT. And lastly, have fun.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005Oh my..!!
Is this the K Leong we know?? ![]() Right of the screen. Watch his left hand. ???!!
Saturday, September 03, 2005Photography
whoever has nice photos to submit pls do so cos we need the points (last event!!). after we win this year 2006 can go to lang and co. haha i'm selfish no offence lang.
Thursday, September 01, 2005House Carnival
all bayleyeans please turn up for house carn this fri. if you haven't already chosen what sport to join, join either softball or squash. squash has 2 places while softball has many to fill up. very impt okay!! thats for B div. for additional info just talk on msn. yea bb!
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