Wednesday, August 31, 2005FIT!
Congratulations to the following members who have won awards in NAPFA! SL, Vice Captain, 23 reps for pullups!! Dom, Member, FITTEST BOY IN SEC 4!! The rest of us scored 28-30 points (gold). So whoever tries to kill us in RJC, try catching us first. After that you can try pinning us down. Then you can try stretching for us, etc. I don't think I need to say everything out. Hurhurhurhurhur!
Saturday, August 27, 2005Only The Truth
Subsequent newstables of "Only The Truth" has surfaced in class 4B. I'm very glad to bring you the latest reports. Certain names will be censored due to extreme sensitivity in modern day PCB. Edition 2, 29th July 2005 _______ spotted with _______________ in secret meeting! "He toyed with my feelings.. again!" - ____ in tears after Timo's (second) rejection. "Timo and I is impossible lor.." - ____ commenting on the possibility of patching up, we can all sense the sarcasm. "She just went running back to him.. -shrugs- it's her loss.." Timo couldn't be bothered. "I want S_____" - Timo talking on the (new) girl of his dream. Edition 3, 17th August 2005 Timo shifts his target!! "Stop raising my hopes la.." - Timo's remark to an unknown person's comment that (a certain) _______ is interested in him. - I'll leave you all to make out whatever you want of it. You can also play fill in the balnks if you wish.
Friday, August 26, 2005shitty jap van
lol one of these days we should go frag the jap van seriously. aik kwan found 2 or 3 cockroaches inside the soya bean container. to think that ive been drinking there quite regularly. but thats not the point. when he told the uncle, he even said "nevermind la, put inside die already, can drink" WTF?! he can go to jail la.
Thursday, August 25, 2005CCTs over!
Now will some of you kindly take the time to POST here (ie blog!!) And remember House Carnival 2 is coming up, so you all might want to try something funny. Maybe a mission to let us clean sweep everything. Don't know - up to you. By the way I've like loads of good working paper for Maths. They're all yellow in colour - message me if you need some. Haha.
Monday, August 22, 2005Mugging break
Well you might need some help with your Chem revision or better yet you might need a break from all that mugging so I'm here to help you. Eh wait you might be saying.. me? Jokes. Because since the history of RP began I've never been known to pass a Chem CT. And I haven't. But with the textbook around I don't think I can be that wrong. So yea here goes. Endothermic reaction --> PCB Where P = Positive (energy gain), C = Cold (surroundings and soln become cold), B = Breaking bonds Which sounds pretty much like us! Because we're positive people who tell cold jokes, but are breaking slowly but surely because no one posts but me!! (that's 3 "buts" in a sentence - done on purpose for additional unknown effect).
Sunday, August 21, 2005RIPB elections
Guys, we'll be having a mission soon..
Saturday, August 20, 2005Just the classics
Who is the quietest saint? St. Fu. Why was x pissed at me? Because I didn't differentiate with respect to it. Where can you find a screwed up tiger, a screwed up toilet and screwed up people? At a screwed up zoo. Which PCB member cannot blow a recorder properly? Typhoon Chew. Why didn't Red went to fight Blue in Pokémon? Because he was Cross. Why doesn't Danny tell the truth? Because he likes to tell lies! Why doesn't PCB Syndicate keep their money in safes? Because we have three vaults! Why Chandru gets pissed off with Grace Chong? Because Grace Chong teaches us how to write half-equations. Why are physicists indirect people? Because they use Fleming's left hand rule as an excuse to point middle fingers. Why does haram not take Geography? The physical part was too difficult for him. How did I tell that all PCB members has been sleeping during SS class? All not practising active citizenry - I'm the only one posting here!!
Friday, August 19, 2005I owe you nothing
Right you shitheads. I already did it, knowing full well you'll continue crapping if I don't. And I'm telling you now I'm betting no more so don't try making me because I won't.
The Differents
You all must have heard of this GEP band in RI called The Differents. They probably got differentiated by Chandru or Sock Chia or Chiou Yen along the way and.. oh wait. They're GEPs. Meaning they probably got differentiated by Shaun Yap or Priscilla Lim or some GEP Maths teacher. Aha! Well anyway I got inspired by their band - and decided to set up my own. As I oppose GEPs I will set up the band that is the reverse of them!! Which means I will call it The Integrals! Right we're so gonna pwn. So who wants to sign up? I already got some people who are willing to join and the others are MORE willing to join. We're looking at a dream team lineup. I will be playing the recorder. Daniel will be playing the harmonica. Yuk Lun will be singing. James will be blowing party horn (okay that idea was koped). And we might face competition with The Jokers! Never mind that we'll try our best. So signups for our band anyone?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005Technological Advancements
Well now it seems like NEW Technology has made an impact in our local lives. Technology has indeed advanced to such a stage where its power cannot be doubted. Technology is now known to be able to differentiate and apply its techniques very cleverly. Although it isn't perfect yet (they say it scored 34/35 for a differentiation test) - we believe that in the near future it will be able to successfully accomplish that feat. Congratulations to this advancement, by the way.
Well, well, to think that CZ who has denied so violently in the past that he has a girlfriend has finally told the truth.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005Kuite Krazy Kuotes
Okay I believe I've not had any quality posts for a while so hopefully you'll laugh your arse out after reading all these quotes by our two, no three, most quotable teachers in RI - namely Nathan Almighty (she's scary though), Chandru Mirpuri (his pop quizzes are scary) and Tan Puay Hock (okay he's real creepy..)! Before I start posting let me remind you that they are direct quotes. No offence intended by me, but rather by the teachers. Value yourself. Value integration. - The Chandru Segment 1. Board questions "It's okay to make mistakes. Shawn, go make mistakes on the board!" 2. Noisy fans in the classroom (Chandru usually turns them off to our dismay) Chandru walks to the centre of the class. "The heat is hot here. But I'm not feeling hot still anyway.." 3. Chandru the fortune-teller "Your future depends on calculus!" 4. Chandru your local doctor (actually mine because I think he was speaking to me) "Never sleep last night right.. asking for trouble." 5. Chandru the curriculum planner Adnaan: "Sir, what's after integration?" Chandru: "September holidays." - Nathan Almighty's Segment 1. A View from the Bridge (literature book) "Any repression causes a form of tension-building inside a person." 2. Another View from the Bridge? "Eddies in class exist." (With incestuous properties, that not said by her.) 3. Familiar..? "You can't deny what you don't know. (V)eddie's in self-INTEREST, not self-DENIAL (yet)." - Hock the Cock's Segment Chong Zhi's reading was still as bad as ever, and TPH was kinda bemused that Zhang Rui, self-proclaimed Chinese talent, was his teacher. Zhang Rui denies any relation with CZ's pathetic reading. Next, TPH picked on Melvin as another weak link in the Chinese class. Melvin does better than usual and Zhang Rui pipes up that it was because of his sitting beside Melvin that caused the improvement. TPH then proceeds to say bad performance = not you but good performance = your credit?! THEN HE SAID, "张锐,世界上所有的女人会生产。那他们的儿子难道都把你叫爸爸吗?" Zhang Rui has stopped trying to offend Hock the Cock from then on. - That's it. Heh.
Monday, August 15, 2005Once again
In case you all have not read the sidebar, let me put here one of the most important things you have to know when you are reading the entries here: 3. The information on this blog is not necessarily always true, accurate or updated. Especially when it concerns ME! And especially if the person posting is not ME!! And in case anyone needs clarification, I am here specially to tell you that *** is not handsome. It's a majority viewpoint and has gone through no fabrication. If you don't believe it you would kindly go ask around. It's the bloody truth and that's all I have to say.
Nothing to post
Which is why I'm posting this. Collecting lots of shit quotes though, and don't forget - The Best Is Yet To Be.
Sunday, August 14, 2005Waterpolo = Dota?!
I realised how similar waterpolo can be to Dota. Today was "Raffles Recall", which, if you recall, is also known as Smith Cup. Also known as Elango Cup (you might have to ask Yuk about that). Or some other names which we came up with but are a little too.. unsuitable for here. Anyway. There were 4 teams. I played for RS3 because those poor little noobs did not have enough people. RBD, aka Raffles B Div, were like owning everyone so I just tried to make the situation a little more balanced. But as I was off-form, I imba the game and the game became imba. Though RS3 had a good chance to win they didn't take enough chances. I think RJC was very imba though - because they had two teams and they could switch them back and forth as and when they liked. However at the end I conclude it was GG NO RE. Damn dota.
Friday, August 12, 2005Illogical fallacies
I think the Raffles Philosophy Course is very much off course. We are learning pretty useless things now such as different ruling systems (please that's soooo SS), whatever we did last term seems irrelevant (must be so irrelevant that I can't remember) and logical fallacies last year. Probably Eastern Philosophy next term! Well that's all they'll ever teach! All these trash are so unappealing.. and so out-of-date. Let me tell you what real philosophy is about. Something that you will never learn under Kennet Low or any respected philosopher. Because what you are going to learn, is beyond any respected philosopher. And Kennet Low. Okay granted he might be a respected philosopher - but never mind that - today we will learn ILLOGICAL FALLACIES. As you can see, it's the opposite of logical fallacies. Because the world is made up of many illogical people anyway, it only makes sense to learn some illogical fallacies. There are quite a few of them, so sit up, read and have fun. 1. Dickto Simpliciter - To simplify everything to dirty thoughts Example: "Oh.. honey stop it stop it!!" - Lincoln Luk, on Drama Feste night 2. Post Coc - To publish rubbish on a blog / To bang your cock against the post Example: "xD" - Unknown, on his blog OR Example2: "Ouch!" - Zhang Kahn, upon banging his cock against the post, which he claims only smart people are fit enough to do that 3. Hasty Gene-ralisation - To classify someone as a Gene (NOT GENETIC) too quickly / to insult someone gravely when the occasion does not call for it Example: "WTF! You cheated! You bloody ***!" - Danny, during class when cheating is spotted 4. Slippery Slope (on hair) - To start predicting an undesirable chain of events just because someone starts to get suspicious Example: "Oh shit. *** didn't gel his hair today, which means he suspects us of laughing at him. That means he might try to temper us!!" - Anonymous, when someone didn't gel his hair 5. False Anal-ogy - To compare two events which does not link up to each other Example: "I did not cheat for the test. I did well for it." - ***, after getting back test results OR Example2: "I like Oven. Oven likes me." - *** again 6. Poisoning The Class - To use traits of *** and thus in turn making the class a bad place Example: "Barney! You cheated!" - Ming Sing, highlighting the point that Barney is indeed poisoning the class OR Example2: "F*** OFF B****!" - Adnaan, in his temper, did not realise that he was poisoning the class by imitating a certain person's bad behaviour OR Example3: "Look at my fins!" Clemens, after gelling his hair like some mad pineapple, was again poisoning the class with his super bad behaviour This is real life philosophy, man! Who needs to learn all the nonsense in school?
ruthless aggression
it's been official. since captain YJ lost the bet to CZ abt his maths test results, he will be attempting to date a certain someone. oh it certainly wun be a RUTHLESS day, opposite of ruthless = not ruthless =) gogo yj lmao.
Thursday, August 11, 2005Maths Test
Hahahahahahahaha. Whoever thought that koping my calculator would make me fail, you are SO wrong! But I didn't score that high anyway - so it's nothing to gloat about. Still I managed to beat a certain.. species of fruit so well I guess that's a little achievement to celebrate eh..? Tomorrow's Napfa retest, 2.4km to be exact. I'll be there to encourage all you Bayleyeans and to discourage all you other Housians. Target is to lap haram three times. Doubt I can do it but I must have the William Tan spirit and determination. Romin said that it rained today on the track because tomorrow it will be filled with all your "fire" and "spirit" till the track will "burn with bright colours". Shit man - since when did he become so poetic and descriptive and so jokes and all? Can't believe it. Nevertheless we'll see tomorrow. Hope everything goes fine. Gonna sleep early for once so goodnight. Shit this is becoming damn personal blog la. All you bloody slackers better start posting something soon!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005Buckley
Q: Why is Hope Chan the Buckley housemistress? A: Because she hope after she become housemistress then Buckley got chan to win!
Testing 1 2 3 4.. You know, in case the overload on the tagboard has affected my ability to blog. Haha. But no school nowadays so not much fun. If you get what I mean. Tomorrow it's back to school! And RE! Boy, I'm soooo loooooking forward to RE man. Plus getting back Maths and Chinese tests! Ulp! Oh well that's it. Bye.
Monday, August 08, 2005National Day Eve
This morning we had celebrations. No la no. The Builder (I'm not giving any implications) was trying to be funny by scolding us for being very noisy. He started saying something about the seniors sitting "up there" also weren't showing the performance any respect.. you know how it goes la. BUT! Surprise, surprise! Guess who were sitting upstairs! THE TEACHERS! Not a single Sec 4 in sight - maybe a few prefects but then again they're not much better than the teachers. Haha so in effect when The Builder said that the people up there were pretty noisy - I guess he probably meant that those chatty teachers just talk too far much. And you know something? I agree. However The Builder soon realised his mistake and tried to take it back. Too late! He knew where the noise was coming from and he knew who to scold. Lolol very funny - I like! - Anyway before you say you love Singapore please think thrice. What if Singapore was a male? Then you'd be gay.. What if Singapore was a female? Then you'd be incest.. because some might call Singapore "the motherland". Shit that was a rather stupid comment. Haha don't take offence because it was done light-heartedly. - If you're happy and you know you clap your hands! If you're happy and you know you clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know you clap your hands! That seems to be the Malay Cultural Club theme song. After all today that's about all they were doing. The performances were just getting worse and worse - because after the Indians (who did some funky stuff) came the rock band. Then the Malays came to lower the standard and finally the DRUMS were the ultimate worst (lots of noise and calligraphy on National Day?!). I would say this is the worst National Day celebration ever. What's more there were no free gifts. - Sigh I'm just bored la.
Sunday, August 07, 2005National Day Celebrations
As you all know, tomorrow's a half day. Or actually it's 2 hours school - when Monday is supposed to be a 6-hour day. That means it's actually 2/6 day = One-Third Day. Oh my goodness! Chandru will be so proud of me!! - Here's tomorrow's programme for Jarbone: 1. Complain about a certain person while in school celebrating N Day. 2. Leech to his best friend for a movie. 3. Go out with **** and give out more free ****! WOWWWWWzzzzaAAAA!! That's so fucking exciting. - Here's my programme tomorrow: 1. Sleep through the celebrations. 2. Collect stuff for recycling. 3. Go home and sleep or make another lame attempt at doing homework. OMG! I JUST REALISED MY LIFE IS SO SAD COMPARED TO JARBONE'S!! - Yea that's all for the National Day Eve's Eve celebrations on PCB Syndicate. Do stay tuned. I'm not exactly gonna change the blog to red and white but yea I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. Shit I just realised the previous sentence doesn't make sense. But the rest of the post above the "-" do so please do make it a point to read it. Though of course you would have read it already before reading this. Ugh. -.-"
Saturday, August 06, 2005WANTED: A girlfriend
Advertisement Hi I'm now officially advertising for a girlfriend. My conditions are listed below, hope it isn't too demanding or isn't too hard to fulfill. 1) Teach me Chemistry. 2) Teach me Physics. 3) Teach me Biology. (especially Genetics and Reproduction because even though I don't take Bio now I'd like to keep my options open when I go to JC) 4) Teach me Literature. 5) Teach me Chinese. 6) Teach me Mathematics. (integration!!) 7) Teach me CLE. 8) Teach me English. 9) Teach me Social Studies. 10) Must be pretty but not too pretty such that I would get distracted from my studies. (on second thoughts, too pretty also will do for me.) 11) Must stay with me until after Common Tests. You might be thinking that I might as well advertise for a tutor. But NO! Tutors cost money, and don't you think having a girlfriend sounds so much cooler than having a tutor? Axe Dee! - The world is changing Same old cliché comment, "What is the world coming to nowadays?" First up my six-year-old cousin had begun gelling his hair when I saw him today. Are we creating a generation of pineapples? Thankfully when I went to mess it up he didn't temper me. He just messed mine up as well (not that there was much to mess). And his slightly older sister was commenting on how schools should allow designer earrings, coloured hair, etc. I think we might have to redefine schools and call them youth fashion studios. - Getai Idol It's the seventh month and there's a getai at my grandma's place. Well the emcee was really loud. No, let me rephrase that, the amplifiers were really loud because several storeys up I could hear the singing clearly. The Hokkien songs weren't that bad because you couldn't really make something bad even worse, but the Chinese songs were simply terrible. Please, can we like get better getai singers? Especially if the objective is to make the whole neighbourhood hear them. My poor grandfather tried sleeping at 8pm but failed more than miserably. - Barney is everyone's favourite dinosaur Last but not least, another scandal. Barney was admitting today that his three girls (the oh-so-famous ones that came for Drama Feste) had HUGGED HIM!! While he was in hospital and supposed to rest! Oh man - let's all gasp! Barney, however, was nonchalant. "Just hug only what.. not like kissing or anything." Right.
Friday, August 05, 2005Know what you're doing
Chandru (when teaching integration): "It's better to write c = constant, because you do like that you're like telling the examiner - 'Don't play with me, I know what I'm doing!'" - Oh my love, you are my star. Because everytime I go crazy, it's you that I see.
Don't ask so many questions. You'll enjoy our music.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005Bad tuition!
hi~~ ur resident pineapple here. i think i'll freaking sack my tuition teacher... so stupid >.< but she IS STILL 1000 times smarter than me!! but why she fail >.< omg.. think I'll sack my tuition teacher la *she's not blue*. to think she won a certain competition 4 me! well at least 9 is quite good xD cos i beat haram. haram score double also cannot beat me haha *grinz*. i feel very accomplished today. gtg now... mum bugging me to get off the com *grinz*.. cya ltr.. xD [Curtain call.] Pineapple rises and bows. Grins to the appliances in the crowd.
Ancient Chinese Mythology
As part of RE, I visited this Haw Par Villa website. Well just imagine if Mr. Yarbone had been living in the past - I really don't know how many times a man could die. LIST OF SINS AND PUNISHMENTS SIN: Robbery & inflicting physical pain / Gambling or Prostitution PUNISHMENT: Thrown into a volcano pit or onto blocks of ice or drowned in pools of blood SIN: Ingratitude / Disrespect / Drug addiction & trafficking PUNISHMENT: Tied to a red hot copper pillar and grilled SIN: Dodging taxes & business fraud / Lack of filial piety PUNISHMENT: Body ground between 2 large stones SIN: Money lending / Plotting against others for their property PUNISHMENT: Thrown onto a hill of knives SIN: Pornography / Cheating & swearing / Wasting food & misuse of books PUNISHMENT: Body sawn into half or thrown onto a tree of knives SIN: Rumour-mongering / Rapists & instigating suicide PUNISHMENT: Tongue pulled out or thrown into boiling oil SIN: Causing family discord / Cheating in examinations / Harming others PUNISHMENT: Body dismembered & intestines pulled out SIN: Robbery & rape / Neglect of old & young PUNISHMENT: Limbs & head chopped off / Crushed under boulders -- I think if you put all RI students into Ancient China there might be none left to do any studying at all. What would Dear Chairman Mao say if he saw all these radical rules?! Chinese philosophers must have had a lot to debate in the past with questions like what is considered filial piety? What is considered harming others, causing family discord, etc. And what would our Dear Veddie Yarbone say if he saw all this? (He's bloody lucky there's no punishment for incest.. yet. Good luck when it comes out.)
Tuesday, August 02, 2005Déjà vu?
Mr Yap: So when can you make it for Exco meeting? YJ: Let's see.. Friday? Mr Yap: Okay. We'll have it on Wednesday then. YJ: What?! I told you I can't have it on Wednesday! Mr Yap: Oh, I heard you. But we'll have it on Wednesday. YJ: Then what was the point of asking me in the first place? Mr Yap: Why, because it shows I respect your feelings and opinions of course! YJ: But you're not even considering them! What's the point? Mr Yap: It's just something that has to be done. Take House Carnival for example, I'm going to make you check up on every single trial and call everyone up but it's pretty darn interesting to see what you have to say about it first. YJ: I can't make it on Wednesday. Mr Yap: Think positively! You just have to stop sending out all those negative vibes and be more proactive. Think "can do" instead. Half the battle is won if you believe you can do it! Just think of how much this means to Bayley, and what you are doing for your house! Don't waste this AMAZING opportunity to serve your house. Bayley needs you! YJ: Erm.. okay. Mr Yap: Great, I'll be off then. See you at the meeting. [walks off] YJ: [stares blankly]
The Thief
Someone stole my calculator right before Mathematics Test today in a lame attempt to make me fail. Perhaps you'd succeed, and perhaps I deserve it but that's so not the point. Stealing is wrong. If you admit now it's not too late. You will be cured. I have two suspects in mind. Is it the one with the sense of paranoia (ie what happens if one calculator breaks down and I don't have a spare) or is it Balga the Dwarf (with sudden bursts of temper and eccentricity?) That's some digits for thought. Anyway we didn't catch Yarbone cheating today - very hard to believe. Meaning he must have some new malicious technology which the naked eye cannot catch. Quite sad - but never mind, there's always the next test!
Monday, August 01, 2005Test tomorrow
Just a few friendly reminders: 1) If you need to use tissue paper, please put it on the table. 2) If you need to use tissue paper, don't write notes on it beforehand. 3) If you are using foolscap, don't write cheat notes on it. 4) If you are sitting beside someone not that good in the subject, don't try to look in front at James. 5) If you are worried that you don't know much, ask your tuition teacher now. 6) If you want to get questions from other classes, drop the idea now. 7) If your name is Veddie Yarbone, I suggest you start mugging now instead of thinking of cheating.
Chinese webpage
Whoever has finished the webpage for the Chinese project send it to me asap thanks.
Is this the offensive piece?
Sometimes even the greatest idiots have their days. ![]() I'm just but one of them. Okay this will be the last of this issue ever, since some people certainly don't look too happy about it. Time to move on!
Within PCB circles
Captain + Vice Captain
Recommended Readings
Our Great History02/2004 03/2004 04/2004 05/2004 07/2004 08/2004 09/2004 10/2004 12/2004 03/2005 06/2005 07/2005 08/2005 09/2005 10/2005 11/2005 12/2005 01/2006 02/2006 03/2006 04/2006 05/2006 06/2006 07/2006 08/2006 09/2006 10/2006 12/2006 01/2007 02/2007 04/2007 06/2007 10/2007 12/2007 Note: The real action only starts from 06/2005 onwards.Popu-larrr..~
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3. The information on this blog is not necessarily always true, accurate or updated.
4. Anyone who wishes to visit PCB Syndicate is doing so entirely at their own risk. No one is forced or coerced to read our entries.
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