Sunday, July 31, 2005Maths Test
To most Sec 3s out there - here's a revision tip for you: Always revise for your Maths Test in the garden. Why? There are logs (log) and a lawn (ln).
cool so now i can post here as well. woots
Hit 'em hard.
I've great things to post - but like Drama Feste, I'll save the best for the night. Changed the tagboard and no more hittin' 'em hard. Stupid Flooble so attention-seeking, but well at least it works!
Saturday, July 30, 2005Quotes
Romin, "After you've finished you take a nap during the test - but please don't have wet dreams." YJ: Why's the LT so cold? Adnaan: We're missing the oven baking the pineapple tarts. Crew (except Timo): She'll be so touched by your love! Timo: I'm sure la! Formula to calculate actual time in class: A = T + (d x 30.72) Where A is the actual time in minutes, T is the time shown on the clock in minutes, d has been the number of days since the clock has stopped (I believe around 16-17 by today) and 30.72 is also known as k, the konstant.
Friday, July 29, 2005Drama Feste
Today is the day. You know, contrary to what the title says, I had Chinese test. I had little problem doing most of the 课 stuff, unlike some guy who had to use the "sweeping motion" to copy. Very disgusting. Anyway the 造句 wasn't too bad also - except for this bloody phrase 循循善诱。 I almost fucking mugged it on Thursday (yesterday la) if not for banner painting for Drama Feste. I was like reading halfway when Darren told me to get my arse off (not direct quote) and to start on the paintings. As good Bayleyeans, Timo, Kenny and I worked hard on three different posters. I mean, like, we really did our best for it. Kenny got red paint all over his pants in the process and so did Timo. I couldn't as I was wearing my short pants HUR. In any case in a (feeble) attempt to bring Timo and L*** closer together I tried to make all three posters about them. Unfortunately like the "government" in the play, this Timo was very keen in censorship. He did manage to censor most - and I say most because today I still managed to touch up one. Damn obvious. Okay so the matinee show was a screw up. The lights came on even before we could do any shifting. Luckily we bucked up for the night show. And guess what! Many saw the artwork of Kenny and I - or if you please the Fantastic Four. Timo and I were the original crew, joined by Kenny the multi-talent on Tuesday (day we ponned class) and Kane the last surprise addition on Friday. Well we were pwnage at night - the crowd almost went wild. And I almost forgot to leave my shoes behind when it came to curtain call. Nevertheless I hope L*** has seen the picture (which I think she did). Bloody useless Timo rushed home after the play so well it's kind of a waste really. I mean, I spend so much time on the canvas and he just foils my plan like that?! Oh plus 循循善诱 came out in the test. Thanks a lot Timo! I was about to mug that but just for your sake I did the canvas first. Now that's it. I lose. But our crew still wins and I think our Drama Feste is still going to win. I hope all the pictures are still there. I also liked the fourth one about the pineapple. Haha. Anyway I'll try to post pictures (which most likely cannot) to show you all these beautiful artworks. Seriously I don't know why we are just so damn talented. Guess that's it for now. And hopefully, oh so hopefully, one day L*** will go back to Timo. Sorry if I'm offending anyone, but I don't care what you think. (another quote from Bayley Drama Feste) And oh did I mention we did the whole play with three original cast members changed in the last four days leading to Drama Feste? It almost became four today.. but never mind. Tired like hell.
Thursday, July 28, 2005Why
Why Bayley Drama Feste members all get sick? (Already like four in the last two days) Why Lock Hong Quan so screwed up? Today he told me to not wear PE outside school. Because I was like wearing my X-calibre shirt as well as PE shorts for fun. So he told me to go MRT station and change. Then he walked off I thought the mosquito had flown away. He did come back. And do you think I really went to change up? Bien sur NON! Crazy shorty think I'm meant to be bullied. Why I like being Drama Feste crew. Because multi-talented Kenny Lau and me are perfect artists. We made three Drama Feste posters that had "Timo loves (sign) Lois" hidden somewhere in every single poster - try spotting them during our production. Of course it might be slightly hard considering that Timo the "government" tried to "censor" away some of our artistic work - but I assure you there's at least one poster where you can see the message. Kenny and I were very happy when we went back to join the cast and Yi Hong thought we had like drawn a few pineapples or something. Then I thought, fuck. I've forgotten all about it! Why I so tired. Don't know. My evening was spent very fruitfully. Oh by the way I saw Timo's "short and dark" friend! Damn she still is so short that I think if you put her through a door it's a bloody waste of space. Timo commented, "I think she's about 1 foot 5". That's all. Last question: Why I not mugging for Chinese test tomorrow? That one I also no answer. Zzz.
Everyone makes mistakes. I especially like to be an asshole and pick out some mistakes that our dear Head Prefect has made in his blog. (I'm too free, you see.) "Unfortunately, this aesthetically-intriguing 'thing' is often does not draw the attention of passer-bys, partly because it only leads to the car park and nothing else of relative significance." Passer-bys? Oh man ever since I was in Primary 5 the teacher drilled into us it's passers-by, passers-by and PASSERS-BY. Maybe our HP in RI failed Primary School English and came in because of his networking skills. Apparently he likes looking at the floor (go read his post about Marina Bay if you're really free). Uh one last thing - I think he's quite suck-up. Duh? Eh actually I only spotted one mistake of his but never mind you all go find the rest. His blog is at I think. Blahh~ Back to filing for Chinese. I think my back is going to explode into great flames, causing the government to wonder if there's been a terrorist attack. Maybe it'll splinter and like go crashing through every single window into the block opposite mine. I don't know. All I know is I'm tired, I need sleep and school sucks. Tomorrow got Mr. Cock and You Tell Me. Target is to stay awake for Hock the Cock and sleep only for half a lesson for You Tell Me. You Tell Me, aren't you going to file your Chinese as well?
Wednesday, July 27, 2005Scandal
Apparently someone called MQ at precisely 1am this morning - and it isn't a boy. I mean, she isn't a boy. MQ claims that she is "just a friend". Next time will any of you please call me at 1am. Oh and Head of Intel, I think you're supposed to go tracking down the Blogger of the Year. Come on, it's been a while since I've ever read any entertaining stuff so yea..
Tuesday, July 26, 2005What goes around, comes around
I think I've been punished by the law of karma. Due to my increasingly evil posts in this blog (though of course some of which are just coincidentally evil..), the retribution has struck right in my face. Oh no, actually to be more accurate I should say the retribution struck right in my arse. Today as I was carrying the frames down for Drama Feste, I fell down the steps and I went bumping along the staircase. Bump, bump, bump. My shorts tore and I will spare you nastier details. And my arse hurt like hell, I can tell you. My primary school teacher once said, “眼看手不动,手动屁股痛。” Apparently now it's “眼不看手动,跌倒屁股痛。” Well at that moment it wasn't really funny but now I find myself rather jack. I mean lol why so careless! Of all times I had to slip now. Anyway it isn't very serious so hopefully it won't affect my being able to run, swim or play Age of Mythology. Haha. But in the event that it's retribution I guess I should take a break and stop being evil for a while. After all, it is not good to harbour ill thoughts. Don't you think you readers out there should stop being as evil as me too? Haha. Sometimes it's best not to be evil. Yea at least for the time being, this week - a lot of freaking projects and homework to hand in. I think the bloody teachers must be conspiring to kill us all in one week. And it doesn't help Nathan is absent - because the more times she's absent the more she demands of us. That's quite sad. Oh well. What goes around, comes around.
Saturday, July 23, 2005Maths Assignment
Just sharing some thoughts on Maths Assignment. Look, who really cares if a change in x is going to bring about a p% change in A? Is it my business and does it concern my life and death? Unless of course you come and tell me x = xD and p = pineapple and A = A V _ _ _ _ (no curse words please) THEN THAT'S SOMETHING NEW! But as sure as x isn't xD and p isn't pineapple and whatever, I can tell you that the above-mentioned is not true. That's why I had a temper with my assignment. I didn't exactly punch my hand against the stage, partly because I don't install stages in my house. I think I should work out instead and build up my big and disgusting muscles. Or maybe pay my tuition teacher extra money so she can do all the Maths homework for me. So that I can get 100% for my assignment (although sometimes my tutor screws up). So that I can boast to the whole bloody 4J that I'm a bloody smart pineapple. I'm bored so I'm crapping here. Hope you don't mind.
was bored, so... ![]()
Friday, July 22, 2005PCB POWER
Today we have just proven that PCB is not quite dead yet. (Although there was no real need.) Head of Army, also known as Acraven, has swooped down onto the top of the crop of a pineapple plantation. Or if you'd like, a pineapple tree. The result? Raven's claws were badly hurt and thus resulting in his shouting very loudly "OUCH!" The pineapple leaves were rustled and trouble was brewing. While he was jinquisiting around, thankfully the raven had the good sense to fly away. Now the walking pineapple tree is going to try to catch the raven. Haha good luck I say. - Totally Unrelated Joke (by Acraven) Question: How many light bulbs does it take to light a Washington? Answer: None. Because Washington flares up without any help from the light bulbs.
Thursday, July 21, 2005Attention seekers!
An ode to joy. "Joy to the world, xiaxue got hacked. The hacker is the king!" Okay it's not quite X'mas yet but anyway I just thought it's great. But don't get too taken in. You might want to consider this alternate perspective - as PCB Syndicate would always be glad to offer you. Being such a no-lifer, xiaxue might actually just save all her posts as drafts and then change template while saving the old one. Then she pretends to be hacked and acts pitiful. After all, no publicity is BAD publicity. So now she's going to get lots of public sympathy, plus perhaps some admiration at her wonderful "determination" in rebuilding her blog! WOW! What an amazing conspiracy! Such a powerful publicity stunt. Really smart idea, too bad I've seen through it. Life's this tough. Oh well, what a bitch.
Mess up her blog
(adapted from my blog) HAHAHA! Finally I see justice has been done! Some smart ass went to hack into that incorrigible xiaxue's account! Superb! I mean, don't you think it's great? Now that pathetic little whiner is complaining that all her 2 years of work has been gone. LOL?! I mean why bother keeping trash for 2 years and then emptying them? Or in the first place, why even bother spending so much time making trash? Poor little sod is crying over them 2 years of trash now. Well if I had so much trash I think I'd empty them earlier and save myself from more pain. As the Chinese saying goes, 长痛不如短痛。 Nevertheless I do hope that xiaxue's blog won't make a comeback, for the pure simple reason that she says she is going to make a comeback. Like who is going to care? The darn hacker was god-damn right, she's doing all this for attention. And what's with the sudden surge of vulgar language that has suddenly surfaced in her blog? True colours - finally she flips the "bitch switch" on and all the stinking shit beneath her coolio layer comes flooding out. Ugh. And people actually like her? Unbelievable indeed. That's what happens when you become too (in)famous, people will start getting pissed off by your weaknesses. She also did state something about being online at 1am or 4am - at the wee hours of the morning. Crying after finding out she got hacked. What does that prove? That this is a true no-lifer, my dear friends. Who in the right mind is going to work on his/her blog all the way up to the crazy hours of the morning?! Granted I stay up until then but at least I'm doing my homework = productive. Hahaha now all the sleepless nights seems shitty and wasted eh. Don't know who was the bloody joker to tell her to save her entries and then load them up again. It's going to take a long time and xiaxue says she's going to do it. DUH SHE'S A NO LIFER? Oh well I can't help but express my delight.Just before I leave off let me quote you some of the rare, evil comments that some bright spark has written. Tell you the truth, I really admire these guys who dare to tell the truth in her face. Brilliant. Look at these beautiful comments! Bloody hell, very good. The Big Kahuna said...XiaXuay said: "Funny. Now that this fucker has logged into my blogger account before I feel disgusted by it. Like a body that has been tainted by a rapist."You feel raped? Er, that's REALLY wishful thinking......... 5:11 AM The Big Kahuna said..."Motherfucker"? Such strong language is HIGHLY unbecoming of the supposed role model for the young and dumb girls of our nation. 4:06 AM deja said...God, it looks like the coconut that has been hanging by a thread has finally dropped on your head. Time to reflect on issues such as nastiness/bitchiness and realise that morality is a big circle. What goes around comes around EH? :D 12:25 AM jun said...IP Addresses are logged in the server log and is trackable.Since you are making a police report, I believe there should not be any problem tracking the IPs.____nope. you dun have a case through this because 1)blogger/gmail servers aren't located in singapore2)ip addresses though trackable, there is no 'evidence' that the owner of the ip addresses had obtained illegal access into xiaxue's email/blogger accounts because there have been known cases of 'masking' and 'jumping' (whatever the tech terms lah!)especially when xiaxue seems to have a habit of keeping passwords, cookies etc on her computer; someone could have just type in and gmail could have gained that person access to xiaxue's email account simply because she didn't log out before she switched off her pc. this happened for neopets and nytimes accounts frequently.the case will have more weight if xiaxue knows who the culprit is and/or the culprit had really gained illegal access through malicious programmes into blogger/gmail and/or the culprit had planted a trojan in xiaxue's computer. 6:37 AM Now she has no case too as well ahahaha. Good I hope she spends a lot of time worrying and reporting. Then after that if the culprit doesn't get caught she's darned jacked! And well I don't think I would refer to him as a culprit. I think he's one who has really done the world justice by getting rid of one of the worst blogs in cyberspace. Finally, I'd like to leave you with one last great quote. Comment Deleted This post has been removed by the author. 5:49 AM LOL the poor little shit. Have to delete comments that she knows are unfortunately true. Seriously I've waited so long for this day. Good job, Monsieur le Hackeur. In any case I have better things to do now because I do have a life (more than xiaxue anyway) - so goodbye to all. Haha if any hacker decides to hack me it's fine - because you can't take away what you don't have (quote from Bayley's drama feste). You can't take away any trash from me.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005My knuckles!!
Today I did something really stupid which jacked myself pretty much. Not all the information below will be true, but I will try to report what I did with as much accuracy as possible. Well as you all know, I usually leave my handphone on the ground during PE. When I came back after everything, I found out that the keypad was unlocked. Now that's very surprising because I usually lock it - and therefore I knew someone had went to read my messages. Even though I do not have concrete evidence, the great I says so and thus some idiot must have read it. Feeling very upset, I went to complain to the PE teacher, who happened to be almost dismissing the class. And since the whole of my class was there, Romin declared that someone had read my messages. He also appealed for the culprit to own up. No one did, very unfortunately, although I suspected it was Ming Kiat (his name was mentioned). Romin proceeded to say that he was not expecting the culprit to apologise to me in front of the class, but to do so later privately. Well I got rather pissed off. How could he just let the whole class off like that?! Romin then dismissed the class. At that moment, I was really angry with Romin and the idiot who read my message. So raising my fist, I crashed it into the stage, which I happened to be standing beside. Then my knuckles began to hurt like hell and I realised it was bleeding. How bloody jack. I went to the Sick Bay to get a plaster - and when I came back to class everyone was laughing at me. I feel like some foolish nincompoop now. Next time I should like whack up everyone instead of the stage. But anyway I hit level 100 Temper, a brilliant skill you all should learn. Level 100 Temper Bonus Effects: Increases strength +1000% and attack +1000% Rationale goes down -100% Jackness and tendency to attack inanimate objects +500% But for now my knuckles freaking hurts. Ow! Serves me right for being so jack.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005The motivation behind the motion
I know of this guy in school who comes to school everyday. Duh. Otherwise how would I know him? His appearance could be described as extremely regrettable - for few people are glad to see him, that put in a very nice way. Tell the truth, no one's glad to see him at all. Of course there are some who put up a false front of liking him - but behind his back the knives start coming out. Some would gladly throw him in an oven. I admit, I used to be one of them. Now I don't. He's reluctant to acknowledge my existence at any rate - for he is a very egocentric person. Anyone who doesn't regard him as his friend should not be regarded as existent. Look, I still regard him as an individual - albeit a very bad one. Everyday he swaggers to class thinking people should like bow to him or something. I don't know, the very thought of it dents my mind. Today was a classic example. We were taking class photos and he was trying to suggest some pose that would be very advantageous to himself. Not to mention we'd all look like stupid cocksters with no life, except one of that in a gym or perhaps in some country gone mad like the United States. I am also very suspicious of the silly class photos that are going to be part of the yearbook. I mean, like, everyone had gel on their hair except those who didn't need it. Crazy Clemens went to make fins out of his hair which was just plain sick. Unnecessary. Of course with gel you can expect the usual pineapples to come out. Which they did. Another instance where he goes like, "well hell I'm looking good" but when others see him it's like "what a freak". Note it's what A freak, not what THE freak. Okay now you go find the magic word in every paragraph that describes this certain person I am describing. He has many aliases. Have fun playing cross word - crossing all over the words to find the special ones that would describe him best. Each paragraph has one! Do remember! - Today Nathan was heavily criticising all the biography groups. At the end of the day she belittled everything wonderful that this guy had done, instead claiming that she could do it as well. She's not just any Nathan! She's Nathan ..............Almighty!!
Monday, July 18, 2005Really fast jokes
Here are some really fast jokes about Washington. Catch them if you can! How many times does Washington cheat in a test? Jinfinity. What is Washington's adopted charity? Community Chest. Why does Washington like to go "What? What.."? Because ovens are powered by whats (watts).
Sunday, July 17, 2005Weather report
Recently it's been rather cold.. wondering if a certain someone's been telling jokes lately. Or is it that the oven has just broken down? Or is it that the certain someone who has gone to Europe after winning a competition went to bring back bottles of cold air (he's kiasu)? And now duh the bottles have broken and the temperature took a drastic drop. Or is it a combination of all three? (certain contributions by Typhoon)
Thursday, July 14, 2005Out of control
I think that this blog is getting slightly out of control - or if you wish the tagboard. Look if you want to have any discussion please do it outside of the tagboard because I'm not having the tagboard just to read about all this banter. And people are applying to become PCB members for the sole purpose of entertainment. That I do not accept - we are searching for true members who are courageous enough and not some joker to post on the blog. Every post is directed at someone, in case you didn't know - and to air our dissatisfaction with someone or something. If it's funny, thank you very much, we're glad to provide entertainment - but we're not here to write jokes for you. Therefore I encourage all visitors to kindly suppress your urge to hold discussion at the tagboard. If you just want to say "hi" or agree with the posts, please leave it for somewhere else. I am getting complaints already and if this goes on I'll have to password the blog or restrict entries.
Number Three
After I had the Number Three around two weeks ago and Dom just a couple of days ago, Goon and ZY both had Number Threes today! Wahahaha all bald now. Cute I like! - Today I ran 4km. Where k = konstant, which happens to be 50. You do the maths. That is why I like being my own coach - I just run what I like without being forced to do shit. You see, I actually planned to do 4000m x 5 sets but after a while I decided that I was tired and thus reverted to the afore-mentioned set.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005Kings
Yesterday in the judo tournament, a King was crowned. He goes by the name of Huang Lu. Playing excellently in the dojo, he fought hard but unfortunately lost to a better opponent. However like in the C Div where he lost to the same HCI (then TCHS) joker, he should deserve some title in recognition of his great stupendous efforts. From the King of Junior Block, Huang Lu is now crowned King of Senior Block. Oh, a promotion, you think. Well yes and it's very well deserved. - Another King has been crowned in the form of Chan Yuk Lun, topping scores in the French proficiency test DELF A3 from the ranks of RI. Dethroned king Clemens has taken a hard knock and has vowed to come back before long. To quote Clemens after viewing the DELF results, he said, "WA I LOSE TO YUK LUN. CAN CHOP OFF MY COCK ALREADY LA." From him as well, "you can call me noob." Later that night Clemens had a real temper. Apparently five people who wishes to remain unnamed had provoked Clemens to a certain extent and well, he just tempered. DELF A3 results can be viewed at Alliance Française, 1 Sarkies Road. I forgotten the address so don't mail them. Alternatively you can search the Web for results although I suspect a nil return. Right and on a side note I topped DELF A1 contingent for RI. Don't worry it's only 16.5, one mark more than Yuk Lun's 15.5 and only four marks more than Clemens's 12.5 (new name). Those who wish to join in the celebration will kindly do so tomorrow for extended recess (Thursday recess = 10am till when-you-feel-like-doing-RE), where we will be situated at the canteen or Café Delight drinking tons of Milo to replenish the brain cells, much of which has been used up in the DELF tests. - Nathan was recounting her horrible experiences at KK to the class - while she was having her first pregnancy.. Nathan: The scan (or so I think that's what she said) proved inconclusive, so I told the nurse we had to do a blood test, which could not be wrong. Adnaan: You could always do a litmus test. Class: -.-"?! - Okay so the news is final. Carl is contemplating leaving RI for ACSI's international baccalaureate (is that how you spell that stupid word?!) Everyone knows that. Even if you didn't, you know now. Anyway I'm not going to speculate on that, but instead let us hear a comment by an unknown classmate of 4J. How very ironic and insensitive, the statement. I mean I can ignore the insensitivity but the irony will never go unnoticed. I quote, "Look Carl, we already don't like you here. You think they will like you when you go to ACSI?" Well no prizes for guessing who, although if you wish to do so you are most welcome to. Please post on the tagboard what do you think is your answer. Or, alternatively, you can SMS Haha I suddenly feel an urge to laugh. We joke at times but this is super stupid. The irony of it. In any case that's just some err.. food for thought. I think we can call the person in question who made the quote "Iron King" - or "Irony King". And as David Beers says, "Irony is dead. Long live irony." ..we take a toast to the newly crowned Irony King. - Well seems as if many Kings are made today. Let us celebrate this kingly occasion tomorrow with Milo for recess. (refer to appointment above) Till then, goodbye.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005The Pledge
Sometimes some things really make you want to wonder just what the hell is RIPB up to. I think they have their own version of the pledge. Today, the prefect on duty (of saying the pledge) had just shown what a typical prefect really is. Screwed up. I really didn't know the pledge has been changed, or rather, perhaps it was that way all the while. And trust that prefect to be Singaporean. RIPB IS FUCKED UP, MY COMRADES! Excerpt from today's speech: "We the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society, so as to achieve.." The school was stunned. Prefect-on-duty continued, "Err.. err.. (looks around and behind frantically), so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation." And that was that. RIPB thinks that we'll forget. NOT ME. I tell you, there isn't much they can do - for that matter - there's a lot they can't do. No wonder RIPB is so weak, they don't base their policies on justice and equality. And I bet they think that their policy should extend to Singapore as well. If RIPB members are really going to be our future leaders, perhaps we should redefine the word "future" to become doom.
Monday, July 11, 2005Press Conference
I suppose you have all heard the results of the Comic Competition held by RIPB. As usual, those fuckers in black boots (excluding our dear members Timo and Lang) have shown themselves to be of cheap grade and low style. How could they not select our PINEAPPLE MAN comic to win! After all we were the only comic strip there - so it's only right that we should be granted a walkover. Nevertheless those bastards took the easy way out and just cancelled the competition. It just shows how pathetic these people can come to when it all boils down to recognising talent. Never mind - all PCB fans will be treated to the comic someday when I find time to upload it and if Allah (Chew) does find the time as well as the brain cells (to remember) to pass me the comic. Anyway here are some reactions at press time: "AIYA!" - by Timo, upon hearing the horrible news. "What the fuck..!" - YJ (that's me) And then ZY and Siew Yi Liang (SYL) decided to pay a visit to the prize winner. "You call that a prize-winner? Looks like shit!" - ZY aka Allah Chew "I should have just taken part la! Get free voucher!" - SYL Sigh.. RIPB. Anyway ZY did get two vouchers sponsored by the ever-so-kind David Lu, once our best friend from the dining hall. At first ZY found it pointless to take two, until I told him the discount vouchers could stack since it wasn't stated on the vouchers otherwise. Damn I should have went along and taken another so he could get some free comics (40% x 3 = 120%). Or as it is 120% discount, maybe the shop retailers would pay us 20% the price of the comic if we presented all the vouchers to him at the same time. Well I'll leave that up to Acraven (aka ZY). Once again, sorry for not being able to upload the marvellous comic now. I will find time to do so some other day when I have less shit in school to bother about. - Moving on, or rather taking a step back, let's go to Friday. Some questions to ponder. Why didn't Zhang Kahn need to take off his pants when he needed to shit? Cos there was a hole in his pants!! (duh) - we all saw it. - Press conference with Puay Hock. "Zheng Lei!" Zheng Lei looks up. “你拿着那个东西照着自己来干嘛?你知道那个是给有乳癌的人来照吗?!" He kept whatever device that he was holding. Good old Puay Hock. And while all this was going on Huang Lu was holding hands with Kezhong. (ask MQ, Head of Intelligence if you don't believe me) - Next up, we return to the wonderful day of.. Monday! Instead of Monday blues, it seemed more like Monday jokes when we had this press conference with Grace Chong doing some Chemistry demo. "In Singapore, you would call this oven-baked flour.." - with emphasis on the "flour". Carl started giggling in a silly manner, and I didn't quite get it. "It's OVEN-baked." repeated Grace Chong. Blah blah blah blah the class kept talking. "It's OVEN-baked." she repeated. Somehow the class kept looking at the tin container. "Yes so we are using OVEN-baked flour," she said again for the umpteenth time - and although she obviously was describing how the experiment was conducted in between saying "oven-baked flour", many only caught this part. "Yes, ma'am, I think we know. OVEN-BAKED FLOUR." (exasperated) I got a stare from the P Man. - SOPHIE SENDS SMS TO MING KIAT! Well, well, isn't this an interesting world. Some fencer from RGS seems to be playing musical boys with certain.. people from 4J. Apparently she sent "Hi dear.. how's school?" to the afore-mentioned classmate from 4J. To be precise, Sophie sent a message to Ming Kiat! The time was 1:18PM, and if you really wish to know, Sophie's alleged handphone number is 91388987 and her alleged home number is 62812811. As far as Ming Kiat is concerned, Sophie seems to be going crazy over him. Ming Kiat is quoted as saying, "I really don't see why Sophie liked Barney in the first place. I'm so much hotter than him anyway." When mentioned that Sophie liked Tim Chow, Ming Kiat retaliated with a violent string of vulgar words, which roughly meant, "Fuck off la. You think that can be true meh? Tim Chow so ugly.. I think my dog also more handsome than him ah." We wish Ming Kiat and Sophie good luck for the future. - Finally, right at the end, you can see the very best that has specially been saved for this last.. interesting piece of news. After "A Tale of Two Elements", there was much feedback about not knowing what the hell the story was about. Timothy, however, has other ideas, "I think your story has a dastardly twist to it." Well. Very. The main character has spoken! Nevertheless I've been snooping around to see class 4B's tabloid. All done by publisher, editor and photographer, a Mr. Clifton Tay from the afore-mentioned class. Very talented indeed. Clifton Tay does publish a great newspaper, of which he names it "Only The Truth". Actually, it's more of a newstable than a newspaper - for it's on table not on paper. Doesn't matter, really. The content you will see below are extracts from the newstable. "Timo and a short, dark judoka from RGS" (hmm I wonder who) The table reads, "Lois left Pek for Timo." (readers were saying no la no..) And according to "Only The Truth", Lois was quoted as saying (about Pek), "He just wasn't the one." Of course she couldn't quite mean the same thing about Timothy, could she? Now Timothy comes in with his cunning scheme. He said, "A girl is most vulnerable after a break-up." - bringing to attention, well, what might he be thinking! He said that not only to Mr. Tay, but to me as well. Therefore I do not have any doubt in my mind that "Only The Truth" is really nothing but the truth. In any case I'll leave you to ponder about the cunning rivalry between Pek and Timo - and the whatever "short, dark judoka" involved. Let's hope that the next issue in 4B will be written soon, for I am looking forward to it. By the way if any of you knows how to suscribe to that newstable, I will be the first one to order. I am their greatest fan. Till then, it's best you stay here and learn only the.. the.. t.. ruth.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
omg i'm lame!!!
Saturday, July 09, 2005A Tale of Two Elements
Through the clearing, up the muddy slope and across the gravel. Took the path to the left, and I saw the house. A brick-red roof with some really old windows - as if they had come from decades ago. The house of Jan Sklowitz, a chemist from Austria. He had travelled around the world for the past 20 years, and has finally landed up here to conduct a certain research. We first met while I was jogging around this estate. He was an old man of eighty-nine (yea he left Austria when he was sixty-nine), but still full of energy and vigour. I believe it was the fifth time while I was jogging where he ran up to me and said he liked my youthful energy. We stopped to talk, and he told me many stories of the things he once did when he was young. He had been an athlete, not a very successful one, but an athlete nonetheless. He loved Chemistry since young, and now was living in a secret house in this estate. Then he showed me the clearing which I was to walk many more times in the future. He had stopped jogging since that fateful time after he showed me his house. However, we do keep in contact, and today was one of the days where he had a discovery to show me. I entered his house as it wasn't locked. It never was. His working room, sleeping room as well as dining room was all on the third floor. After all they were the same room - and he lived there. Thus I guess you could call it his living room as well if that pleased you. Jan the old chemist had been single his whole life, and never really had any companion for a long time. The room was dark, musty and messy with research papers all over. As I entered, Jan beckoned to me. He pointed out of the window where a vast field spread out beneath us. There were pieces of rope separating the field into little squares, making it look like a grid. Twenty-six by twenty-six. Jan called them A to Z. I couldn't understand the significance of it at first, but Jan soon explained. "See that field yonder? I've been waiting twenty years just to find this!" he exclaimed. I was puzzled. I knew nothing about this. Of course I knew even less about Chemistry but that wasn't the point. "What are you finding," was all I could manage. "The elements of the Triangular Table!" Now this was new. Even though with my lousy knowledge of Chemistry I knew there was no such thing as a Triangular Table. Sure, perhaps he was too advanced for me - but I had this feeling this poor old guy had finally gone bonkers at the ripe old age of eighty-nine. Maybe I'll ask Grace Chong about this Triangular Table when the holidays are over and see what she says. However I had to remain respectful. "Whatever is that!" Jan took a deep breath, and sighed. "While I was still in Austria, I had dreams every night. Or rather, strange dreams every night. In it I saw a vast land that looked nowhere like Austria, as well as bright specks of.. elements, I believed. It looked as if it came from another world altogether, where everything was dying. Also as I dreamt I saw triangles flying towards me - and three symbols appeared, not unlike those you see in the Periodic Table today. Tm, Te and Ls; they were. Whenever I woke up, I could feel a strong sense of mystery. There was this mystic power calling to me. This is how I began searching the world for these three elements." I was now totally convinced he was bonkers. But what he did next surprised me. Jan took out three canisters, and in them lay some sort of a.. precipitate. A fine powder form. Two were blue, one was pink. "Here," he said. "Have a look." I examined them. The blue ones had labels Tm and Te. The pink one was labelled Ls. I asked him if that was the significance of the grid - because that must have been where the names had come from. Jan shook his head. He repeated that the names had came to him in the dream, and had no link whatsoever to the grid in the field. He told me that both Tm and Te came from Row R, Column I (RI for short) and Ls came from RG. "Very fascinating," I said. "Have you tested their reactions?" "Apparently," Jan replied, "Tm and Te are cations, while Ls is an anion. They seem to produce very strange results when I put them together in the test tube. Thankfully I was still careful enough to do this experiment in the basement where oxygen was scarce, otherwise I might have died." "What?!" I could only muster that. "Yes. Te and Ls reacted pretty violently, sparking off a great blue flame. Somehow I suspected it was the lack of oxygen that killed off the flame. As for Tm and Ls, it produced a colourless solution. It was like, somehow, they were just simply one compound. I tried Tm and Te together just for the fun of it but it couldn't mix and stayed apart from each other." "Well," I joked. "In that case could you tell me what are their oxidation numbers so I can go tell Grace Chong that all she has taught me was rubbish?" "Tm's oxidation number seems.. high at +6. Ls's oxidation number also seems low at -6. I think Te's should be +4. However, both the cations are 2+ and the anion is 2-. It's somewhat like Ca(2+) and O (2-)." "In that case, one mol of Tm would react with one mol of Ls." "Absolutely." "Could you show me the Te-Ls reaction again?" "You're mad. This is going to be like a JW reaction - and JW doesn't just stand for any random initials. It stands for the two newest elements in the Periodic Table, namely jeenium and wayneum. And as you know the further down the Periodic Table it gets, the more violent the reaction. Or at least that's how theory goes. The reaction between jeenium and wayneum almost caused the whole lab to be blown up - only it didn't because there was only fire and therefore the lab got BURNT instead of BLOWN." "Jokes." "In any case I'm not going to show you the reaction." "Whatever." At this point of time I felt suddenly tired upon discovering so much. Seemingly just in the nick of time the housekeeper Arven came into the room. She came once a day, according to Jan, just to make his all-in-one room a little more presentable. But everytime she leaves it was as if Ctrl-Z had been hit. So there wasn't much of a help there - but Arven comes everyday anyway. Arven is actually a widow - her husband was a judge called Marcel Jell. Or something to that effect - and Marcel by name, muscle by nature. He was a very strong guy, but unfortunately wasn't fair in the courts. Marcel soon incurred the wrath of a local gang, which had some strange initials that I had forgotten. Anyway it was a case that concluded long ago and whatever happened, it certainly did not please the gang. One night as Marcel left the courtroom to go home, he met the gang right outside the courtroom. They had the most surprising of weapons to deal with him - pineapples. However, they did bring a whole truckload of it and that ultimately led him to his death. The gang members did not escape and are now all in jail. Sentenced by another judge, of course. Since then Arven had been a widow. Okay I am sidetracking. Nevertheless the next morning I received a call. It was Jan, telling me to come again. I went to his house in the afternoon, and this time Jan looked very excited. "These elements really don't belong in the Periodic Table. I found that only Te seems remotely connected to the Periodic Table with some of its Periodic-like properties. Still, Tm and Ls are very strange elements - like in my dream. They do not react with any elements in the Periodic Table, like Te doesn't. And what's more, they do not contain any Periodic-like properties. The mystic powers that pulled me to them had to come from them. I am beginning to suspect that they do belong to another Periodic Table after all. I will name it the Triangular Table, as it was so called in my dream." He then brandished a piece of paper. He said in a soft tone, "I also have this, regarding to their reactions. I have indicated them in their natural forms - not the ions." The paper read: Tm (s) + Ls (s) --> colourless solution, no efferverscence. Te (s) + Ls (s) --> blue combustion, violent reaction. Tm (s) + Te (s) --> no reaction. "I haven't named the compound that comes out, of course," he continued as I studied the paper. "Why is that?" "I'm not sure if I should go back to Austria to present my findings. After all, I am getting old and might not live to do so if I hesitate." "Why not research a little more into it? Is this all you know?" "Sometimes it doesn't really pay to be inquisitive. I should hand it over to the new generation to find out. They might know more about it than I do. Even if they do not, they will find methods to discover their true identities." I stood for a while and pondered in silence. "Very well. The choice is yours." Now we were both silent. It was never an easy decision to make - to take it or leave it. Personally if you started something it's only natural you want to finish it. And as Jan's life was approaching its end, it was only right he had some accomplishment to his name. An achievement that could go down in history. Perhaps a Nobel to be given to him post-humously. Who could ever say when it comes to this? "Please leave. I think I'd research a little more." I obeyed him, and the whole of next week I visited him daily, but only because he invited me. I did not wish to disrupt his all-important work. It was just as well that school reopened, but I couldn't mention a word of this to Grace Chong. I just felt it might be good to keep silent about this matter. This soon went to the back of my mind and I dismissed it totally. About two weeks after my discontinuance of visits to his house, Arven called me. She said Jan was weak and needed to see me immediately. I told her I had training and my coach was a total bastard - and therefore I really couldn't make it today. I could go tomorrow, if Jan wanted. Arven seemed to hesitate, and called me back just fifteen minutes later that it was now or never because Jan was feeling weak. Against my better conscience, I wanted to put my mind to training and therefore rejected her request yet again. It was to be the worst decision I had ever made. Nevertheless I kept my promise and went back the next day. Through the clearing. Up the muddy slope. Across the gravel path. Left. Then the house. Somehow it seemed quieter than usual. That's really hard to imagine. As I walked towards the house Arven just came out. She said, "I was with the poor old man the whole night. He's gone, and he doesn't want anybody to know about it. No burial, nothing. I've put him in the basement. And he did tell me that he wants you to have this." With that, she thrust me a thick wad of notes. I recognised it as all the chemistry notes he had taken from the reactions of Te, Tm and Ls. I thanked her and went back home. The tears then started. I knew I had caused the poor man to die without any peace. I should have known it long ago! Why couldn't I have understood his situation! It took me one whole hour before I could calm down - the duration of a Chemistry Common Test paper that I could never seem to pass. I looked at the papers eventually, and all that I saw was mostly stuff that I had written above. The reactions, descriptions, physical properties, and the chemical equations. However, there was something new. A paper clip held the fascinating note to the list of equations. The paper now read: Tm (s) + Ls (s) --> Te (s) + Ls (s) --> Tm (s) + Te (s) --> no reaction...or conclusion And the clip that held the little notepaper to the equation list read: "Tm + Ls" The handwriting was weak and blurry, but I made it out anyway. A strong voice in my head told me to go back and so did my gut feel. It was already late at night, and I really couldn't go back to his house this very moment to find the answer for Tm and Ls. Instead I slept through the night, as well as in class the next day. Kennet Low and Neoh Terh Ling both had fits but I was too sleepy to care. Fatigue from this business had worn me out real bad. After school the first thing I did was to get right back into Jan's house. It was eerie even though it was bright daylight. I just couldn't entertain the thought that Jan was lying lifeless in the basement while I was going into his lab to find out the result of the reaction. I just couldn't. Nevertheless I climbed up two flights of the spiral stairway to the third floor. His room door was closed. I opened it and it creaked. It seemed real loud when comparing it to the silence. The floor was slightly dusty, and I could see some black ink on the parquet floor. There was a marker with the cap left over lying on the floor. And there were words, yes words, on the floor. I stared at it for an instant, then breathed out the words, "Rest in peace, Jan Sklowitz. You are a true scientist." On the parquet floor, through the one-day layer of dust, was the answer to the equation. It was obvious that the handwriting came from a weak hand, and probably it was shaking. I had no doubt it had to be Jan's. The equation was there once more, only the answer was there to be deciphered. No wait. It didn't have to be deciphered. It was all there, just that it was slightly unclear. The final answer to all the mystery surrounding the elements of the Triangular Table. It would be a great breakthrough for the scientific world. Tm (s) + Ls (s) --> tliomios (s)
Feeling sick
Sometimes a brilliant mind can get too brilliant. I went to download scripts for the template, making links all over the place, trying to have a pop-up disclaimer, fiddling with Javascript, going out of my way by using Java as well, learning Java along with HTML, and trying to figure out how on earth do you link everything up correctly. Plus, I signed up for countless services and my inboxes are getting full. I don't know why - but after this I think I'll only be using strictly Ripway and Photobucket (though the former doesn't work). I've been slogging it out and what now? I put the disclaimer at the sidebar. I just realised I don't have to slap the disclaimer into the reader's face. Countless websites and products also have their disclaimer tucked away somewhere. At least the disclaimer is on the page. Well isn't that good enough? Okay so no one's going to blame me now if I do post content that they are going to take offence to. So simple, and yet I couldn't see it for three hours and six minutes. I'm behind schedule in doing my housework and therefore I take my leave. Next post will be interesting but for now I'm almost running a fever in doing this shit for the webpage. Eh someone else please post la.
I'm trying to create a pop-up disclaimer before you come into the webpage but that has proved tricky. Plus with my n00b html skills it's back to square one for me. Pop up directions. Oh well I've found a better file server so hopefully it won't be as fucked up as Ripway.
Friday, July 08, 2005Growing up
Growing up has always been fun with Chandru Mirpuri Gobindram. Chandru: How do you find out what lies on the other end of the asymptote? Some idiot: Just guess. Chandru: No what if you guess wrongly? You must use [some complicated formula].. Ihtimam: Sir why don't you plot the points? Chandru: No, no, no, no, that's kiddish work! Very kiddish! Don't ever use that okay! It's very kiddish. See? Didn't I tell you that growing up has always been fun with Chandru Mirpuri Gobindram? (shown) #
Cunning Nathan
Nathan asked today, "Did any one of you watch the Olympic presentation of Paris?" Hoping to catch us out. If any of us did say "yes", obviously we were playing truant or couldn't be in class. Because it (the presentations) was screened throughout the day and Paris's was at 9am in the morning! Trying to trick us eh.. Not so easy. No one admitted to it haha.
Fiddling again
I tried because some of you jokers said it's better for image hosting. Turned out the space is still damn little. Nevertheless will do something about this and about some content of the blog tomorrow. Too tired tonight over the chess stuff (look at my blog). Came back at seven today specially to watch Tong Xin Yuan. Anyway I think Daqiu should just rot and die. Lol.
Thursday, July 07, 2005New Member
Barney (check tagboard for application) has been made the twentieth PCB member and first member out of 2G (in Sec 4). A vote among PCB members has been taken, and has finished in an undisclosed result - but there was more than 75% majority. Therefore we shall now welcome our new member to PCB. Slight changes made to the template and will update some content later =)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005Bad pronounciation and puns
Morning Assembly: Prefects Prefect 1: There were 10 rackets to be broken. Prefect 2: And our first racket winner was.. They spent the whole bloody assembly talking about rackets. Keefe got the racket for winning scissors paper stone. See? PCB POWER! Well at least he broke one racket. - First Period: PE We played LaCock by Clemens. I scored two goals and was the class top scorer. Well it couldn't be anyone else could it? After all since I talk so much cock I should la so much cock also. Anyway this guy was playing really hard such that he fell down in an attempt to score. JOKES! I wish I had a camera-phone but well all these are banned during PE. Sad huh? - Second Period: Chinese James: 起立! Puay Hock: 你们连站都站不直!你们的上半身也不会很重啊!来,挺胸! Class pauses. Then laughs. Sick Puay Hock. Puay Hock: 岳飞是他妈妈害的!她把岳飞刺到满背。 所以,你现在知道岳母 (mother-in-laws) 是从哪里来。 I'm sick of typing in Chinese - so now I'll translate. Puay Hock apparently has a Filipino maid called Arroyo, an Indonesian maid called Megawati, and a dog called Bush. Goodness knows why he needs so much company. - Third Period: English Nathan: I think the speaker is Jack Sng - no Jack Song. So maybe I'll expect him to sing a song. Class: -.-" (feeling cold) Going through a passage, there was this term "Op-Ed". Nathan: Anyone knows what is Op-Ed? Ihtimam: You know you have Co-Ed, so this is Op-Ed. Nathan: -.-" (her turn to feel cold) Class: Hahaha (for a while) Nathan: Well don't you think Op-Ed means opposing all Eds. Like, Edwin, Edmund, Edward. (Oops!) Edward de Cruz. - Fourth Period: Literature WILL MRS NATHAN STOP HARPING ON THE SHAKER THING! - Fifth Period: Physics Desmond Tan (DT): What do you think is the voltage used in Singapore? Me: (looking at the board where there were some figures) 1.5 V! DT: Err, actually the answer is 240 V. You were saying..? Clemens: Yejie said 1.5 V. Me: Yea multiplied by a lot. Times 160, to be exact. DT: When was the last time people died from touching batteries? Danny: Let's point to whoever's sleeping and make them wake up. Shivi: Set. Ben Lim was sleeping so Danny, Shivi and I pointed. DT: Ben, wake up! We: LOL DT: Okay Yejie, since you like to sabo, you will answer this. Me: !!! I got that question he asked half-right. Not bad eh! - Thought of the day: PCB rules. (Actually I think of that everyday.) Another thought: Huang Lu is gay.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005Great conversations
First period of the day: SS Neoh: Kenneth, where's your holiday homework? Kenneth: Erm.. Neoh: "Erm" is not an answer! Kenneth: Err.. - Second period: Maths Chandru: Why didn't anyone do the homework? No point discussing, you know, no point! Yes.. no point! Never mind we have a Pop Quiz first, later we go on to Worksheet 4. Class: -.-" (proceeds to fail Pop Quiz) Personal Chandru riddle: How many goals did Chandru score in the match? Answer: Three (three-goal = trigo) - Third period: Physics Reading the words on the first slide, "Describe the use of the heating effect of electricity in appliances such as electric kettles, OVENS?! and heaters.." Hmm. What next. Shawn went to sit on Huang Lu's desk. Secretly SMSing Dorothy, he found that Huang Lu had a little surprise for him. Shawn: What is this? Yuckss.. Kezhong: Lol.. Shawn: (removes the offending container) Me: What the fuck, it's TARTAR SAUCE?! (from macs) Kezhong: Oh yuck - what the fuck is wrong with him? It was, indeed, tartar sauce that had turned yellow because of some oil that had sunk to the bottom to form layers. Bloody sick. Huang Lu. - Fourth period: English Nathan: So you all had this relief teacher, Sekhar (she pronounced it "Shaker") Me: Shaker? (shakes violently) Nathan: Have you lost your wisdom tooth or something? Class laughs. (Damn - kena by Nathan.) - Fifth period: Chemistry Carl the dropper thief! - Sixth period: French Tse: What's wrong with the French people. Zhi Hao: They stink. Tse: What do you mean, they stink? Zhi Hao: They don't bathe. Tse: Yes actually you're right. Some French people you know bathe, once a week, once a month. Class: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - After school: Sports discouraged by Sock Chia Best monitor in the level (if not in school) was caught playing soccer in class with responsible CLE rep Chong Zhi. Monitor never beat Chong Zhi before in three games and was leading in the fourth when Sock Chia just had to come in. Names taken down. Tomorrow got show to watch. - Germany 2006! Land of Sickness. What comes from Germany? Germs and die Seïz. (Germs and disease)
Monday, July 04, 2005Judo
I think judokas are despos. Don't you? (Dicto Simpliciter and Poisoning The Well) I mean let's talk about RI judokas first. We have plenty of examples. Sources indicate that Lincoln Luk, the RI judo captain, gets up at 5am every morning specially for one purpose. Surfing porn. Now what the hell does that indicate? He's despo. Our Intelligence has said that, so that is what I base my accusations on. Next. Since Lincoln is the judo captain and surfs porn, we'll have to assume that whoever is the vice captain also must follow his example. Thus that's two despos. With the leadership of the judo team on the shoulders of these two despos, thus any other judoka must be a despo. (logical reasoning) Except our dear member Timo and Miki. (I can't imagine either of them surfing porn = they don't). Damn, I'm a very logical person. Well now let's move on to RGS judokas. I don't know any of them personally. So let's leave it that judokas are despos. Argument concluded.
Lessons you should learn about blogging
I realise that most people do not know how to blog. I'm not saying I know how to - but "活到老,学到老。” Thus you all better do something about it. I took these excerpts off a master blogger, and it sure took me some time to go through it and posting here. I will learn with you all, thus don't worry. Make it funny, or no one's gonna read your blog. "i'm on first incursion already, which is like the first chapter, story is quite hard to believe but at least its original but perhaps its cos it is so hard to believe thats why its original *crapping here -__-* but its some sort of sci-fic thriller unless my co writer decides to scrap it *pls dun k..* mr. administrator haha.." "i guess its cos of our blurness and our "sotongnesss" anw every in the lift was staring at us increduously till the lift doors closed, talk abt a closing act of sorts *forgive the pun*" "knee raise was kind of funny cos we were like facing left side then the right side then the "back side" *no pun intended*" "when the lift doors closed the brit just laughed and laughed i cldn't help but grin too.." Next, be informative. Give information that others might not know about. "so james and jason started drawing the blue-print *its not blue*" "they wanted to play cs.. played for a while.. (1 hour) my laptop lagged "cl_flashentity pack" blah... which caused my ping to be 3000 over *freaks*" "was replying me email *grinz* sent 2 to one person xD haha.." "anw.. next went to cut my hair *kinda short now* >.<" Gentle reminder: Don't just laugh at everyone, anyone. "so basically i was making a fool of myself more and more... >.<" Tell the truth. (important!!) "coach was like giving us an option either get one guy to run 1.15 or whole team run 1.35 so everyone was like pointing fingers here and there, u do la, dom do la... go felix -___- anw coach was getting pissed off cos every1 was volunteering every1 but themselves and every1 were seated like in some discussion so i just stood up and ran *rain was getting super heavy* and made in back in 1.16 wat the.. i think coach's watch kayu..." Be thankful to others. "leon gave me a lift back *thanks leon!*" "bought coffee from coffee bean and tea leaf, mom bought me a cheese cake *thanks mom!*" That's about it. I do hope this master blogger keeps this up so we can all learn some real good lessons.
Here we go..
Yet again I've been fiddling with the template and including a whole lot of shit by the sidebar (feeling hardworking as usual..) Well, I hope you all find it okay because I find these slight bits of imperfection when I couldn't separate the segments in the sidebar properly. The horizontal rules are getting on my nerves as well by not spacing themselves out correctly - but since like 70% of it is perfect (ironic) I think that's it la. This should be quite satisfactory for the near future. Now let's focus on the content =) Number One
More changes
Right! If you'll please take a look at the sidebar, you'll find many new features. I even included this hit counter by, who is so damn egoistic and proud of their achievements of offering a free tag board. (Who doesn't?) Well since we only need a simple one here's a simple one. It does work and that's all I care about. Might change a little in later days. But for now I think this will do. Number One
More updates
Well Shoutbox made my life miserable because it just went down so no one could tag. I've changed it to a tagboard by Please, now, no more excuses for not tagging. Number One
Saturday, July 02, 2005y0y0
Hey, nice to see YJ put in effort for the rejuvenation of this blog :D . well, don't really have anything much to say, but well, hopefully i can contribute to this blog more in the future :P .
Work In Progress
I've been working on the HTML and the layout for this webpage for quite some time now, and if you've seen the changes you might think, "fuck, it's good." It had better be. After all though you can't see the hard work I know you all know that I know that I do make an effort to make this webpage better. From an original one-whole-chunk, blue links, crummy top webpage, I've converted it into a two-margins, black-and-white (most) and a beautiful divide separates the webpage into different compartments. By the way, you can't see the margins. I've hidden them all. Well let the master work on it for an hour more or two, and I guarantee before the weekend is over (that's Sunday), it'll be up and running and ready for some fun!
Friday, July 01, 2005Pineapples for thought
In case you weren't quite convinced by my previous post about how Washington could make that hole in the ozone layer, I offer you a few more possibilites. Of course with Washington's great capability you never know what he could be up to. Here's an insight on what he might be thinking of when he made that hole in the ozone layer.. 1) He wanted to listen to what the ozone layer and the moon was talking about. With sharp ears that has been honed from plenty of experience, there goes the ozone. 2) He wanted to find his idol by the name of Roger F there. Since he couldn't find him in Europe, he figured that Roger F would be up in space. Plus he must look his best when he sees Roger F his idol so he gelled his hair while on the way up. You know the result. 3) He believed the old adage, "beyond the ozone is a pot of gel". Just like he believed that beyond the rainbow was a pot of gold. 4) He suspected that the ozone layer had affiliations to RI and therefore had answer scripts to all their worksheets. The trip up there was merely for reference material. 5) He wanted to boast to the ozone layer about the marks he had gotten for Maths, Chemistry, English, Literature, Chinese, Physics, Biology - you get the drill.. and unfortunately while boasting to the ozone layer his hair was the one that did some drilling. 6) He wanted to get the ozone layer to be his friend, but when it refused; he headbutted it. Hard. 7) While having a nap in Tan Puay Hock's class, his mind travelled all the way up there. Very unfortunately, the vacuum in his brains sucked up a bit of the ozone. 8) His big and disgusting muscles were far too disgusting for the ozone to bear. The ozone granted him a wish to make a hole in itself if he would stop working out for hours. 9) He kept thanking the ozone layer continuously for protecting him from ultra-violet rays that the ozone layer got pissed off and purposely made a hole in itself to prevent him from thanking it any further. 10) His serve was too bloody strong and the ball got blasted up, right up into the ozone. Thus the hole. Whichever you believe, I think the possibilities are equally high. So much for Washington and his, err.. exploits.
yeaa it i am alivee. whoo today mufti day rox. esp our fcuk shirts. hahahahaha!
Within PCB circles
Captain + Vice Captain
Recommended Readings
Our Great History02/2004 03/2004 04/2004 05/2004 07/2004 08/2004 09/2004 10/2004 12/2004 03/2005 06/2005 07/2005 08/2005 09/2005 10/2005 11/2005 12/2005 01/2006 02/2006 03/2006 04/2006 05/2006 06/2006 07/2006 08/2006 09/2006 10/2006 12/2006 01/2007 02/2007 04/2007 06/2007 10/2007 12/2007 Note: The real action only starts from 06/2005 onwards.Popu-larrr..~
1. This blog is solely meant for the entertainment and the use of all PCB members, and for those who are interested in visiting this blog.
2. No member of the PCB Syndicate will accept responsiblity for the content on this page. Refer to rule 1.
3. The information on this blog is not necessarily always true, accurate or updated.
4. Anyone who wishes to visit PCB Syndicate is doing so entirely at their own risk. No one is forced or coerced to read our entries.
5. Any significant resemblance of the characters featured in the blog to actual people in real life, living or dead, is purely coinciDENTal.
6. Even if it's not coincidental, refer to rule 3.
7. Any visitor dissatisfied or upset with the content on this webpage may complain or insult at the tagboard, but may not take any course of action (especially violence) against us in school or anywhere else for that matter. Refer to rule 4.
8. All PCB members are entitled to use the disclaimer against any visitor.
9. If you are not content with one or more rules in this disclaimer, you are encouraged to leave. PCB Syndicate will not take any responsibility whatsoever should a visitor decide to stay and take offence over the content or otherwise. 10. You may refer to rules 1-9 more than once, but they will not change. So there. Back ta Blogland.