Friday, December 31, 2004
ere's wishen all PCB members a verje happye neu jear!
here's wishing all PCB members a very happy new year! zhu quan bu de PCB ren yuan men yi ge hen hao de xing nian! (3rd lang sucks) je voudrais souhaiter tous les membres de PCB une nouvelle année heureuse! ich wische alle das members die PCB ein neu jahre! (screw 5th language)
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
*sorry have to use english for a while*
welcome back to lesson 4. now we learn some very common and impt words of our lives - days weeks months and seasons, and though seasons are not very applicable to singapore. well never mind you can always just learn it. some of them are tricky so i'll give some advice on how to counter it. the piscibish language might be full of riddles, but it serves well as in the end you can trick people. so well, here goes. and plus some amendments to lesson 1 taught quite a while ago. Lesson 4: DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS AND SEASONS Monday – Shidon Tuesday – Sundon Wednesday – Maldon Thursday – Teldon Friday – Vedon Saturday – Turdon Sunday – Fredon notice a pattern? wednesday -2 days = monday. word for it = maldon friday -2 days = wednesday (vednesday). word for it = vedon now think hard for a bit and you'll get it. "day" remains the same when using it as a word, however when using it as a day of the veek, it vill be read out as "-don". Today - Ceydon Weekday – Vekdon Weekend - Vekend "week" alone is "veek". but in this instance "week" is shortened to "vek" and then the appropriate ending is added.
something new in the piscibian calendar. okay lets take december as an example. the first week of december 2004 is 5th to 11th december. only full weeks are counted. okay my explanation is lousy but i think you should get the point. basically to describe whatever week it is of the month it must first be a full week. piscibian weeks start from sunday and end on saturdays. yes.
July – Julèrre August – Augèrre
nothing hard about this. all ends with the same "-èrre". in case the accent is screwed up again then just read january- janerre (Ja-NEHRE). february - feberre (Feh-BEHRE). march - merre (MEHRE). yea enter the 3-letter code for the month then add the ending. only march and may is tricky - the rest just refer to english calendar and make necessary changes. no problem.
self-explanatory. just do it. CHANGES TO LESSON 1 - in a bid for shorter speech. please note!! GOOD MORNING is GERDORM
Now we have one word greetings, yea! More lessons tomorrow, and in Piscibish =)
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Gerdivel! (=good day)
Awe j'all copin' vith Piscibish? Granted, itsch hard, but ze masters of zis vunderful language vill be hailed as heros of PCB. Zat sounds gerd, baz? Vell Piscibish may be a litle 'ard at first, but ju vill improve vif time! Trusmi. For naw aje've närten t'do, vich os vie aje'm posten. Of course as ju go along ju vill find some vords vich are difficult, but like aje've säd ju'll learn. Get into ze habit, fed ju vill närt regret. Zat is all aje've to share. Schum new vords zat ju schould know. And = Fed. Or = Ou. Maybe = Dalye. Fed Gerdivel, vich means in English "good day". Funny language, zose English haft. Vie make life so difficult vën ju can speak Piscibish? Just a fört (thought). Vell aje hafta go.. gerdouscht all~
Heja.. ze latest edition of "LEARN PISCIBISH" os now out. Please do take ze time to haft a look in cos verre ar much more info than vart ju see on ze vebsite.. so je.. LEARN PISCIBISH.
Lesson 1: THE VERY BASICS Hello – Heja Goodbye – Gerdouscht Good morning – Gerd mornin’ Good afternoon – Gerd aftern Good evening – Gerd evenin’ Good night – Gerd nite Yes – Je No – Baz The – Ze A/An – A/An And – Fed Or - Ou Lesson 2: NUMBERS & QUESTIONING One - Värn Two - Voo Three – Three Four - Four Five - Fich Six - Säx Seven - Seven Eight - Ajt Nine – Nine Ten - Ten Eleven - Alëv Twelve - Tölf Thirteen - Firteyn Fourteen - Fürteyn Fifteen - Fifteyn Sixteen – Sixteyn Seventeen - Sevteyn Eighteen - Aiteyn Nineteen - Niteyn Twenty - Twönt Not = Närt When = Vën Where = Vër Why = Vie What = Värt Who = Vul How = Awe Lesson 3: TO BE I am - Aje am You are - Ju ar He is - He osShe is - Se os We are - Ve ar They are - Vey ar I/You/We/They go - Aje/Ju/Ve/Vey go He/She goes - He/Se gos I/You/We/They have – Aje/Ju/Ve/Vey haft He/She has – He/Se has I/You/We/They watch - Aje/Ju/Ve/Vey väch He/She watches - He/Se vächs I/You/We/They eat – Aje/Ju/Ve/Vey et He/She eats – He/Se ets I/You/We/They like – Aje/Ju/Ve/Vey lik He/She likes – He/Se lix Any verb with “ks” at the end is automatically shortened to an “x”. Fed please ignore ze accents if ju can't see them. More lessons later. Gerdouscht for now.
Monday, December 27, 2004
due to popular demand, "YOU" in piscibish is changed to "JU", not "JOU" vill everyone pls take note.
Lesson 3: TO BE Now we move on to slightly more serious stuff, and since I've (aje've) received complaints that accents are screwed on the PCB webpage, much will be done to prevent accents from appearing in Piscibishian words. Right - so now onto more conversational stuff, let's start! I am - Aje am You are - Jou ar He is - He os She is - Se os We are - Ve ar They are - Vey ar Since Piscibish has obtained most of its language structures from English, there is no need for conjugation - only common sense is required for you to understand Piscibish. Aiming to shorten words, Piscibish has shortened the words "are" and "she", but unfortunately "I" is lengthened. Anyway this is the very basic. Let's have another practise with the verb "go". I/You/We/They go - Aje/Jou/Ve/Vey go He/She goes - He/Se gos Not many changes are there? Let's now try something trickier. Let's use the verb "watch", and please pay close attention here. I/You/We/They watch - Aje/Jou/Ve/Vey väch He/She watches - He/Se vächs Piscibish doesn't care or give a shit if your verb ends with a vowel, but there will be an "-s" ending, not an "-es" ending. Now that's important. Okay so most present tenses will be something like this. More on that the next time. Gerd nite all, for now.
Heja all.. enjojing the Piscibish lessons so far? Vell since I'm bored here's a second lesson. Lesson 2 - NUMBERS In any language it is important to know numbers. Otherwise you might get confused - and please note that I am typing in English now. Just as you learn Chinese from English translations, you learn Piscibish from English translations as well. One - Värn (ignore the accent for now, it's read "vahn") Two - Voo (this one is easy) Three - Three (no change here) Four - Four (nor here) Five - Fich (I figured there should be a change somewhere) Six - Säx (pronounced "sucks" - really! don't read it as "sex") Seven - Selvan (okay just kidding) Seven - Seven (no reason to change) Eight - Ajt (same pronounciation) Nine - Nine Ten - Ten So out of the first 10 numbers you have 5 numbers being the same as English. That's 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10. Good thing huh? Je I guess so. Enjoy yourself now, because the next ten is much more of a problem, but at least the words are shortened. =) Eleven - Alëv (ah-laiff) Twelve - Tölf (tolf - that's easy) Thirteen - Firtjn (fir-teen.. about there) Fourteen - Fürtjn (only changes in writing, not in speaking) Fifteen - Fiftjn Sixteen - Sixtjn Seventeen - Sevtjn (sev-tin.. see its so much more convenient!) Eighteen - Aitjn (aye-tin) Nineteen - Nitjn (ni-tin) Twenty - Twönt (tohnt, or "taunt") Most of the time you can just ignore the accents because it's mostly a waste of time and just there to make the words look impressive. Now learn the numbers well, and you won't be disappointed. Now more on BASICS. Because solely learning numbers is pointless. not = närt And the 5W1H. Very important when asking questions. When = Vën. Where = Vër. Why = Vie. What = Värt. Who = Vul (pronounce the "l" at the end, otherwise people might think you mean "2") How = Awe (pronounced 'ow.. like American slang) So fruitful learning all.. and have fun!! Will be back for a third lesson.
The official language of PCBians should not be English, but rather Piscibish. Please take time to learn it as official messages (okay excluding this) will be made in Piscibish. Piscibish is a mixture of Hokkien vulgarity, American slang, German pronounciation and English words. Just learn it! There will be updates over here to teach you the basics of Piscibish. =) YJ The Very Basics Of Piscibish PRONOUNCIATION: In alignment to 2G slang and certain weird mouth movement, all "w"s will be rendered redundant and be pronounced as a "v" (1). Certain "th" words will also be converted to either a "f" or a "v". All "y"s are rendered obsolete and be replaced with "j"s, regardless in whichever parts of the word/sentence (2). Some "c" words will be changed to "k" to emphasise the power of the word (3). And finally, the word "fucker" will be replaced by "füschkar" to prevent the singularity of the "fuckability". (4) As you all know, "fuck" is becoming of a somewhat universal vulgar word - so hopefully füschkar helps a bit. EXAMPLES FROM THE ABOVE: (1) WANT = VANT, WE = VE, WITH = VIF, WHAT = VÖRT (2) YES = JE (exception), ONLY = ONLJ, THEY = THEJ, STYLE = STJLE (3) CLASSIC = KLASSIK, CLAP = KLAP (4) FUCKER = FÜSCHKAR (pls note, very important this one) füschkar is pronounced "foosh-kar", and if some feels it's still too vulgar please feedback i'll have the word substituted. GREETINGS: Hello = Heja (heya); Goodbye = Gerdbye; Good morning = Gerd mornin'; Good afternoon = Gerd aftern (not much change is there); Good evening = Gerd evenin'; Good night = Gerd nite Okay basically any nouns or verbs ending with "-ing" will now be shortened to "-in'". And most words are shortened to MSN slang (eg nite). Basically just learn all those highlighted in bold. And by the way, no in Piscibish is "baz". Look I know it doesn't make sense but then again does the Malay language, or does the English language makes sense? Anyway it's our language so we can change it as and when we like. For now it's baz. Any protests just say. That's all for today - class end.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Bonjour! Comment ça va?
Are we ready for the new school year..? Okay so we still have 3 weeks to run. Just a thought. Anyway time flies so might as well prepare yourself. Don't wanna spoil your mood so.. Enjoy the rest of your holidays! C'est tout. Au revoir!
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